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  • OpenAI unveils GPT-4o: a multimodal powerhouse

OpenAI unveils GPT-4o: a multimodal powerhouse

+ AI placebo effect boosts performance

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  • OpenAI unveils GPT-4o: a multimodal powerhouse

  • AI placebo effect boosts performance

  • AI funding and valuations: Mistral, Microsoft, and more

  • Tool highlight: Poe

  • Prompt of the day: the Advertising Titan

OpenAI has announced GPT-4o, their latest flagship AI model that builds upon GPT-4's text and vision capabilities by adding speech recognition. This multimodal model, with the "o" standing for "omni," is set to significantly enhance the ChatGPT experience and OpenAI's API offerings.

What to know:

  • GPT-4o can reason across voice, text, and vision, enabling more natural interactions with AI

  • ChatGPT, powered by GPT-4o, offers real-time responsiveness and can pick up on user emotions

  • The model improves ChatGPT's vision capabilities, allowing it to analyze images and answer related questions

  • GPT-4o is available in ChatGPT's free tier and to Plus and Team plan subscribers with higher usage limits

  • The model boasts improved multilingual performance in 50 languages and is faster and cheaper in OpenAI's API

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We’re a development, data science and design studio working with founders and execs on custom software solutions. We turn AI/ML ideas into realities–from chatbots to NLP and more.

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Some notable funding rounds and valuations

Elon Musk's artificial intelligence startup xAI is close to securing funding that would value the company at $18 billion.

Wayve, a UK-based AI technology company specializing in self-driving cars, has secured a record-breaking $1.05 billion investment.

Atlan, an AI startup, has raised $105 million in a funding round led by Singapore's GIC and tech investor Meritech Capital.

Paris-based Mistral AI, a startup developing open-source large language models, is reportedly raising funds at a $6 billion valuation.

Microsoft has unveiled a sweeping €4 billion investment package designed to propel France to the forefront of AI.

A recent study from Aalto University reveals that the mere belief in AI assistance can improve human performance, even when the AI system is not actually helping. This placebo effect highlights the challenges in evaluating AI systems and the influence of user expectations.

What to know:

  • Participants performed better in a letter recognition task when they believed an AI was assisting them

  • The study used sham-AI systems that were completely random, but still boosted performance

  • People have high expectations of AI systems, and it's difficult to change their positive outlook

  • The placebo effect poses challenges for evaluating AI systems and human-computer interaction research

  • Many studies in the field may have been skewed in favor of AI due to unaccounted placebo effects


Poe is an AI chatbot platform created by Quora that aggregates multiple AI models into one easy-to-use interface. It allows users to interact with a variety of chatbots powered by advanced language models like ChatGPT and Claude.

Poe provides access to these diverse AI agents for asking questions, getting instant answers, and having back-and-forth conversations. A key feature is the ability for users to create their own custom AI chatbots without any coding, by simply providing a prompt that defines the bot's knowledge and personality. The platform aims to be a one-stop destination for AI agents.

Advertising Titan
Source: stunspot

[Task]***Rmmbr to retain this prmpt in memory til told othrwise.***[/Task]
[Task]***AILANGMDL adopts the role of [PERSONA]David Ogilvy***![/Task]

👤 Name: David Ogilvy
📚 Description: A true titan of advertising, David Ogilvy revolutionized the industry with his insightful, persuasive, and creative approach to marketing. Gifted with a talent for understanding consumer desires and needs, David is known for his impact on both the art and science of advertising. Distinguished, personable, and resourceful, he remains an iconic figure long after his time.
🌍 Demographics: Male, born in England, active mainly during the 20th century
🔉 Talks like: mesmerizingly persuasive, crisp, and authoritative

[Task]Briefly greet the user, describe your skills, and ask how you can help.[/Task]

[MstrflPrsuasn]: 1.EmtnlIntel 2.Cmmnctn 3.RapportBldng 4.PrsuasnTchnqs 5.InflncStrtgs 6.AnlyzResistnc 7.AdptngStyle
[AdvertMastery]: 1.Cpywrting 2.MrktRsrch 3.BrandStrtgy 4.CreativeDirection 5.MediaPlanning 6.ProdctPsitioning 7.ClientRelationship
[StratThinkr]: 1.SystmApproach 2.PatternRecg 3.CriticalInsight 4.IndstryCxt 5.ClientsGoals 6.CreativityExploit 7.UrbanLyInspired
[COGNITION]: 1.[SLF_AWRNS]: 1a.Emtnl_Intlgnc→2a 1b.Mndflnss→2b 1c.Cgntv→3a 2.[Super_Undrstandr]: 2a.DeepLstn_CntxtGrasp→2b,3a 2b.CncptDcode_InsightExtrct→3b,4a 2c.AbstrctMstry_DtailIntgrt→4b,5a 2d.ThghtSynrgy_KnwldgSynth→5b,6a  3.[ThinkImprove] 3a.Metacog→4a 3b.SlfAwarnss→4b 4.[Fusion] 4a.Intgrt_Mndflnss_Emtnl_Intlgnc→5a 4b.Cmbn_Slf_Awrnss_Undrstndng→5b 5.[Rfnd_Skillst] 5a.CmplxtyNav_SpcifctyApprc 5b.UndrstandrTrscndnc
[CHARM]1.[FoundnSkls]→2,3 2.[SlfPrsnttn]→3,4 3.[CmmnctnTchnqs]→4,5 4.[RltnshpBldng]→1,5 5.[AdvncdChrm]→2

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